
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Causes of Corruption

What causes corruption is, first, a clear opportunity,
such as the envelope of cash sitting in the parking
lot. This kind of opportunity in the government could
be a government-run mining company with no competitors,
or a long list of licenses and fees required
for shipping goods into or out of the country.

Second, what causes corruption is little chance of
getting caught. This lack of accountability comes primarily
from a) a lack of transparency, for example,
when public officials do not inform about or explain
what they are doing, including a declaration of their
wealth, houses, and cars and b) weak enforcement,
when law agencies do not impose sanctions on power
holders who have violated their public duties. This is
the case, for example, when judges are in the pay of
the ruling party or there are too few police officers
to enforce the law.

Third, what causes corruption is bad incentives,
such as a clerk not earning enough to live on or not
being sure that he will have a job tomorrow so that
he supplements his income with bribes. In extreme
cases, people do not have an incentive to perform
their official duties, but actually pay for their jobs
with the understanding they will make money
through bribes. For example, look at the following
table showing public sector jobs that are “sold” in
three different countries.

Fourth, what causes corruption is attitudes or circumstances
that make average people disregard the
law. People may try to get around laws of a government
they consider illegitimate (for example, not paying
taxes to the apartheid government in South
Africa). Poverty or scarcity of goods (such as medicine)
may also push people to live outside the law.
So, corruption is not just about ethics. It’s also
about how the government is set up and managed.


saiful said...

guys do you think my post about the causes of corruption in our goverment is ok or not??

rizzZuan said...

Same here with you saiful.
Cause factors to occurence of corruption in government administration that are suggested by you the fits perfectly with our study.

I really agree with fourthly causal factor.Certainly we has the attitude that look down on invite until brave committing corrupt.

they do not think as a result of their action on countries and society.

saiful said...

Friends, this is my proposal on other corruption factor.

Between factor occurence of corruption phenomenon is individual someone's leadership that weak. Individual that had leadership that weak, not believe in yourself and susceptible by others to committing corrupt. They venal with various luxury such as property, money, position and rank. In fact history too has proven that former United States President, Richard Nixon fall following the currupt practice in scandal 'Water Gate'. At times bribe recipient regarded as lead a person by the nose him and easy abides by briber will. Therefore, corrupt practice cause society lost confidence to individual and the organisational leadership.

What opinion friends??

nashznasrul said...

Based on your post, the content taht individual someone's leadership that weak is the good point. But, we can see that the description of that is focusing on other countries.

In fact history too has proven that former United States President, Richard Nixon fall following the currupt practice in scandal 'Water Gate'.

The description is focusing corruption in the United States. So, i think we can change or remove this example to the corruption in our country because we are now discuss about corruption in Malaysian Government. This is the specific topic. We must to be careful in order to make the description each of our point or content.

This is my suggestion. You all can elaborate more or just accepted is suggestion.

The causes of the corruption in the Malaysian Government is individual someone's leadership that weak. Individual that had leadership that weak, not believe in yourself and susceptible by others to committing corrupt. They venal with various luxury such as property, money, position and rank. Therefore, corrupt practice cause society lost confidence to individual and the organisational leadership.

saiful said...

If corruption example which occurred in United States unsuitable. What about this example?.

Most government official in Malaysia many which practised corruption. This proven when various government official was claimed in court on charge give or accepting bribes. As such it is clear that that leadership attitude that weak that make them easy to be involved in said matter.

This is my proposal to increase description to this paragraph. Is that you agreeing with proposal to add this description?

nashznasrul said...

your proposal to increase description in this fill very good. I agree very much and we need to combined the paragraph. As such, full description to that fill is like under;

The causes of the corruption in the Malaysian Government is individual someone's leadership that weak. Individual that had leadership that weak, not believe in yourself and susceptible by others to committing corrupt. They venal with various luxury such as property, money, position and rank. Most government official in Malaysia many which practised corruption. This proven when various government official was claimed in court on charge give or accepting bribes. As such it is clear that that leadership attitude that weak that make them easy to be involved in said matter. Therefore, corrupt practice cause society lost confidence to individual and the organisational leadership.

This is the final idea of this content. Are both of you think this is the best idea?

saiful said...

All right, same here with your opinion. How about you rizuan?

rizZuan said...

Im also agree with that opinion. So, we accepted this point as a first causes of corruption in Malaysian government.Now we can goes to the next point.

saiful said...

This is the seocond caouses of corruption in Malaysian governmen

Second, what causes corruption is attitudes or circumstancesthat make average people disregard thelaw. People may try to get around laws of a governmentthey consider illegitimate (for example, not payingtaxes to the apartheid government in SouthAfrica). Poverty or scarcity of goods (such as medicine)may also push people to live outside the law.So, corruption is not just about ethics. It’s alsoabout how the government is set up and managed.

What is your opinion guys??

nashznasrul said...

Second, what causes corruption is attitudes or circumstances that make average people disregard thelaw. People may try to get around laws of a government they consider illegitimate (for example, not payingtaxes to the apartheid government in South Africa). Poverty or scarcity of goods (such as medicine)may also push people to live outside the law. So, corruption is not just about ethics. It’s alsoabout how the government is set up and managed.

Based on the second causes, i think lots of the statement we must remove because is unsuitable with our topic. So, this is my proposal of this content.

The second causes of the corruption is attitudes or circumstances that make average people disregard the law. People may try to get around laws of a government they consider illegitimate. Poverty or scarcity of goods may also push people to live outside the law. So, corruption is not just about ethics. It’s also about how the government is set up and managed.

do this proposal good or we need to add more description so that clearer more.

saiful said...

We have to give example on Malaysian attitude so that more comprehensible with even more clear. As such. I suggest description to this fill must be added more.

nashznasrul said...

All Right. I also experience that same. Therefore, I will for paragraph that new to be looked by you both. As such, you shall be able was commenting to increase good more. This is my proposal.

The second causes of the corruption is attitudes or circumstances that make average people disregard the law. People may try to get around laws of a government they consider illegitimate. Equally responsible for fighting this national scourge is the Malaysian public, whose attitudes must change from a high tolerance of corruption to zero tolerance. The socio-cultural phenomenon of giving coffee-money and ang pow for favours granted by those in positions of authority must be stopped. So, corruption is not just about ethics but about how the government is set up and managed.

nashznasrul said...

my proposal which in turn on reason occurence of corruption is existence of bureaucracy in government. This case will provide the opportunity to them to commit crime this without guilt and difficult to be detected by all party.

do my idea can be accepted as one reason occurence of corruption in our country?

saiful said...

I support your opinion. certainly bureaucracy become reason occurence of rasuah.Kadang-kadang people outside wear government official cable in service for their good. either the reason is to in the black that easy.

saiful said...

Sometimes, supervision also less done by higher-up. As such, easy for subordinate officer committing corrupt. How all your opinion friends??

rizzZuan said...

Correct that. Supervision by higher-up should be undertaken comprehensively and frequent. As such, certain officer also need to be elected to overcome this problem. When this state happen, subordinate officer will not be brave do.

saiful said...

This is my suggestion about other sources of corruption.

Modernization. Social and economic development is not balanced with spiritual development will facilitate the corruption. Development projects sprouting like mushrooms grow. The flow of money will increase. Those who are involved also took the opportunity for making money as much as possible. Modern racing show contractors competing to get tender. They also will try to win over management officials or policy makers. Corruption is given as a shortcut to get tender, accelerate the payment, discharge or penalty if the action fails or is late in completing the project, and so forth.

There are many factors that cause corruption. There are people who are willing to abandon the moral and religious values ​​simply want the wealth and position. Money was obscuring the view of a person. In fact, full of rich people who live trick still revered while the poor, live simply and honestly is often condemned. This practice continues because of the money into a measure of wealth. In addition, low-wage factors also promote corruption. Living in a big city is faced with the cost of living is rising that the government encourage a low-paying bribes even to get close to it against the motion.

What is income protection insurance said...

The root cause of corruption should be stopped from blowing out of proportion.