
Sunday, March 20, 2011



The review of efforts that have been made in Malaysia to combat
corruption is encouraging but it is also clear that some of the major
issues discussed above need to be addressed if Malaysia hopes to
succeed in its attempt to reduce corruption.
Matters like access to information, a free press, an independent judiciary
and the establishment of an ombudsman are not difficult to achieve.
The steps that need to be taken are clear. All that is required is political
will. The Prime Minister has clearly expressed the wish to reduce
corruption in Malaysia. The people are right behind him and can be
counted on for support. All that needs to be done is to weed out the
corrupt elements in our society by stepping up prosecutions. Then, by
inculcating integrity in every individual, we can achieve our goal of a
corruption free Malaysia.


saiful said...

I highly agreeable with conclusion that has been given you. I experience to overcome corruption towards 2020 this, people malaysia are required to have high alert in themselves on this corruption phenomenon evil. To achieve developed nation status, corruption should be stopped.

nashznasrul said...

I propose that necessary evil awareness do this corruption phenomenon fostered from young more by parents.

saiful said...

Ok. But i have another idea about the conclusion of corruption in Malaysia goverment.

This Siri formulate that public administration that efficient is not free from corruption. This means that citizen efficiency civil service cannot be made indicator total to corrupt practice absence in the sector.

On the other hand, only citizen pertadbiran public that efficient and detest corruption only which could reduce degree of corruption and eventually wipe out that crime comprehensively.

In this context, all country's institution and NGO related to her fair to implement prorgam fight corruption through faith cultivating that straight and soul that noble.

After that , proper state made sure that various anti-corruption institution to cultivate scornfulness this crime necessary focus and not trapped in web bureaucracy which eventually fading struggle impact anti-corruption.

Lastly, law enforcement anti-corruption must be have officials at all levels that completely free than perception, charge, and corrupt practice.

What your opinion?

nashznasrul said...

I think that idea feeling certainly good to be doing the summary this corruption phenomenon. But I only agreed on opinion this one only.

all country's institution and NGO related to her fair to implement prorgam fight corruption through faith cultivating that straight and soul that noble.

After that , proper state made sure that various anti-corruption institution to cultivate scornfulness this crime necessary focus and not trapped in web bureaucracy which eventually fading struggle impact anti-corruption.

Lastly, law enforcement anti-corruption must be have officials at all levels that completely free than perception, charge, and corrupt practice.

rizzZuan said...

I same with saiful, i highly agreeable with conclusion that has been given you

nashznasrul said...

In conclusion, the review of efforts that have been made in Malaysia to combat corruption is encouraging but it is also clear that some of the major issues discussed above need to be addressed if Malaysia hopes to succeed in its attempt to eradicate corruption.

This is our last conclusion,. do you agree with this?

rizZuan said...

yes, i'm strongly agree because is cover all aspects of this problem.

saiful said...

thanks nasrul and rizuan. i think you all do the good job because you all can conclude this problem as generally as you can. So, my opinion is this conclusion is better than what we are discuss before.

What is income protection insurance said...

Corruption is by far the most powerful causes of poverty. It should at all cost be eradicated.